19:00 Uhr
Drawn OUT: The Impact of Queer Comics
Podium in Nürnberg

The Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Nürnberg is hosting a queer-centered panel discussion and display of local US and German comic creators‘ works. Niki Smith, Mim (from the artist duo Pushcart), and Dozerdraws will present their English-language comics and discuss their experiences working for international audiences. The panel will be followed by a Q&A in both English and German.
The creators will provide insight into their artistic techniques, discuss integrating queer characters and experiences into their work, and talk about the impact of queer representation in comics today. They will also address the challenges of using online publishing platforms such as Webtoon and Tapas, and how censorship and book bans have played a role in the accessibility of their comics.
This event is in cooperation with the CSD Nürnberg, Fliederlich, and Referat Queer Studivertretung FAU.
All information and a registration link can be found here.
Gleißbühlstraße, 90402 Nuremberg, Germany
Dienstag, 16.07.2024, 19:00 Uhr
Katya Davis