stammtisch Online

Sketch Pirates Munich Stammtisch Online


ARRR! Me mateys! Grab yer pen an‘ ye grog and join ‚te crew online in discord for another fun Casual Pirate!

What’s this? Ye may ask. We get together on a regular basis to sketch, chat and socialize with fellow creatives.
Meetups are free o‘ charge, but ye must use discord to join (also free).

Our Casual Pirates always start at 7 pm on varying dates.

Sharing yer beautiful faces and screens (when drawing) is optional but we’d love seein‘ ye!

IF IT IS YER FIRST TIME JOINING OUR ONLINE MEETUP we advise to join the server a little ahead o‘ time, just because the technology kraken lurkes in our oceans and just waits for a new pirate to sail along and pull it deep down under. If ye have trouble connecting to discord and our HOW TO JOIN DISCORD (in the announcements) couldn’t help ye, message this event’s Capt’n Alisa.

Don’t be shy if ye’ve never been to one. Just hop on board 🙂

If ye’d like to be part o‘ the crew, join us on discord, facebook or WhatsApp and see all upcoming events.

Wie oft:





Alisa Sakkaravej

Sketch Pirates Munich
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